Shiny App that explores U.S MPG data to allow interactive data analysis

For this project, we looked at the Environmental Protection Agency’s fuel economy data for every vehicle tested at the National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory in Ann Arbor, Michigan since 1984. This dataset has data on almost 37,000 different vehicles, and includes many attributes to analyze. The shiny app resides here on a shiny server that anybody can access. It may take up to a minute for the plots to load up, and you may have to move the mouse over the plot area to get the plots to appear. Also, if it says “Empty Reply from the server”, just refresh the webpage. The server storing the database that has the data is not that robust.

Summary of vehicles dataset and first ten rows

## Loading required package: jsonlite
## Attaching package: 'jsonlite'
## The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
##     View
## Loading required package: RCurl
## Loading required package: bitops
# Loads the data from Fast Food table into Fast Food dataframe
# Change the USER and PASS below to be your UTEid
vehicles <- data.frame(fromJSON(getURL(URLencode('"select ATVTYPE,BARRELS08,BARRELSA08,CITY08,CITYA08,CO2TAILPIPEAGPM,CO2TAILPIPEGPM,COMB08,COMBA08,CYLINDERS,FUELCOST08,FUELCOSTA08,FUELTYPE,FUELTYPE1,FUELTYPE2,HIGHWAY08,HIGHWAYA08,HLV,HPV,LV2,LV4,MPGDATA,PV2,PV4,YEAR,MAKE,TRANY from VEHICLES"'),httpheader=c(DB='', USER='C##cs329e_sm44585', PASS='orcl_sm44585', MODE='native_mode', MODEL='model', returnDimensions = 'False', returnFor = 'JSON'), verbose = TRUE)))

##     ATVTYPE        BARRELS08         BARRELSA08          CITY08      
##  null   :33825   Min.   : 0.0599   Min.   : 0.0000   Min.   :  6.00  
##  FFV    : 1280   1st Qu.:14.9643   1st Qu.: 0.0000   1st Qu.: 15.00  
##  Diesel : 1018   Median :17.3375   Median : 0.0000   Median : 17.00  
##  Hybrid :  416   Mean   :17.6101   Mean   : 0.2144   Mean   : 17.81  
##  EV     :   95   3rd Qu.:20.5896   3rd Qu.: 0.0000   3rd Qu.: 20.00  
##  CNG    :   50   Max.   :47.0683   Max.   :18.3043   Max.   :138.00  
##  (Other):   66                                                       
##     CITYA08         CO2TAILPIPEAGPM  CO2TAILPIPEGPM       COMB08      
##  Min.   :  0.0000   Min.   :  0.00   Min.   :   0.0   Min.   :  7.00  
##  1st Qu.:  0.0000   1st Qu.:  0.00   1st Qu.: 401.0   1st Qu.: 16.00  
##  Median :  0.0000   Median :  0.00   Median : 467.7   Median : 19.00  
##  Mean   :  0.4855   Mean   : 17.77   Mean   : 475.5   Mean   : 20.05  
##  3rd Qu.:  0.0000   3rd Qu.:  0.00   3rd Qu.: 555.4   3rd Qu.: 23.00  
##  Max.   :127.0000   Max.   :719.00   Max.   :1269.6   Max.   :124.00  
##     COMBA08          CYLINDERS       FUELCOST08    FUELCOSTA08     
##  Min.   :  0.000   4      :14010   Min.   : 500   Min.   :   0.00  
##  1st Qu.:  0.000   6      :12838   1st Qu.:1600   1st Qu.:   0.00  
##  Median :  0.000   8      : 8099   Median :1950   Median :   0.00  
##  Mean   :  0.546   5      :  766   Mean   :1968   Mean   :  91.73  
##  3rd Qu.:  0.000   12     :  533   3rd Qu.:2300   3rd Qu.:   0.00  
##  Max.   :117.000   3      :  200   Max.   :5900   Max.   :4000.00  
##                    (Other):  304                                   
##             FUELTYPE                 FUELTYPE1           FUELTYPE2    
##  Regular        :24592   Diesel           : 1090   E85        : 1280  
##  Premium        : 9506   Electricity      :   95   Electricity:   38  
##  Gasoline or E85: 1164   Midgrade Gasoline:   61   Natural Gas:   20  
##  Diesel         : 1090   Natural Gas      :   60   null       :35404  
##  Premium or E85 :  116   Premium Gasoline : 9645   Propane    :    8  
##  Electricity    :   95   Regular Gasoline :25799                      
##  (Other)        :  187                                                
##    HIGHWAY08        HIGHWAYA08            HLV              HPV        
##  Min.   :  9.00   Min.   :  0.0000   Min.   : 0.000   Min.   :  0.00  
##  1st Qu.: 20.00   1st Qu.:  0.0000   1st Qu.: 0.000   1st Qu.:  0.00  
##  Median : 24.00   Median :  0.0000   Median : 0.000   Median :  0.00  
##  Mean   : 23.95   Mean   :  0.6506   Mean   : 2.036   Mean   : 10.49  
##  3rd Qu.: 27.00   3rd Qu.:  0.0000   3rd Qu.: 0.000   3rd Qu.:  0.00  
##  Max.   :111.00   Max.   :107.0000   Max.   :49.000   Max.   :195.00  
##       LV2              LV4        MPGDATA        PV2        
##  Min.   : 0.000   Min.   : 0.00   N:25512   Min.   :  0.00  
##  1st Qu.: 0.000   1st Qu.: 0.00   Y:11238   1st Qu.:  0.00  
##  Median : 0.000   Median : 0.00             Median :  0.00  
##  Mean   : 1.856   Mean   : 6.19             Mean   : 13.68  
##  3rd Qu.: 0.000   3rd Qu.:13.00             3rd Qu.:  0.00  
##  Max.   :41.000   Max.   :55.00             Max.   :194.00  
##       PV4              YEAR             MAKE                   TRANY      
##  Min.   :  0.00   Min.   :1984   Chevrolet: 3705   Automatic 4-spd:11039  
##  1st Qu.:  0.00   1st Qu.:1990   Ford     : 3042   Manual 5-spd   : 8283  
##  Median :  0.00   Median :2000   Dodge    : 2498   Automatic 3-spd: 3151  
##  Mean   : 33.74   Mean   :2000   GMC      : 2345   Automatic (S6) : 2413  
##  3rd Qu.: 90.00   3rd Qu.:2009   Toyota   : 1863   Manual 6-spd   : 2326  
##  Max.   :192.00   Max.   :2016   BMW      : 1600   Automatic 5-spd: 2184  
##                                  (Other)  :21697   (Other)        : 7354

A detailed explanation of each column that we used in the vehicles dataset:

  • ATVTYPE - type of alternative fuel or advanced technology vehicle
  • BARRELS08 - annual petroleum consumption in barrels for fuelType1
  • BARRELSA08 - annual petroleum consumption in barrels for fuelType2
  • CITY08 - city MPG for fuelType1
  • CITYA08 - city MPG for fuelType2
  • CO2TAILPIPEGPM - tailpipe CO2 in grams/mile for fuelType1
  • CO2TAILPIPEAGPM - tailpipe CO2 in grams/mile for fuelType2
  • COMB08 - combined MPG for fuelType1
  • COMBA08 - combined MPG for fuelType2
  • CYLINDERS - engine cylinders
  • FUELCOST08 - annual fuel cost for fuelType1 ($)
  • FUELCOSTA08 - annual fuel cost for fuelType2 ($)
  • FUELTYPE - fuel type with fuelType1 and fuelType2 (if applicable)
  • FUELTYPE1 - fuel type 1. For single fuel vehicles, this will be the only fuel. For dual fuel vehicles, this will be the conventional fuel
  • FUELTYPE2 - fuel type 2. For dual fuel vehicles, this will be the alternative fuel (e.g. E85, Electricity, CNG, LPG). For single fuel vehicles, this field is not used
  • HIGHWAY08 - highway MPG for fuelType1
  • HIGHWAYA08 - highway MPG for fuelType2
  • HLV - hatchback luggage volume (cubic feet)
  • HPV - hatchback passenger volume (cubic feet)
  • LV2 - 2 door luggage volume (cubic feet)
  • LV4 - 4 door luggage volume (cubic feet)
  • MPGDATA - has My MPG data
  • PV2 - 2-door passenger volume (cubic feet)
  • PV4 - 4-door passenger volume (cubic feet)
  • TRANY - transmission
  • YEAR - model year

Structure of Shiny App

The Shiny app is constructed from a server r script and a ui r script. The UI is a dashboard with four tabs:

  • Tab 1 - PV2 Crosstab - PV2 means 2-door passenger volume (cubic feet)
  • Tab 2 - PV4 Crosstab - PV4 means 4-door passenger volume (cubic feet)
  • Tab 3 - Transmission Bar Chart
  • Tab 4 - MPG for 1985-2016 model year Scatterplot
  • Tab 5 - Refresh Data from Oracle and All Plots

Server script


shinyServer(function(input, output) {
  #Code to generate data frame
  vehicles <- eventReactive(c(input$refreshData), {
    vehicles <- data.frame(fromJSON(getURL(URLencode('"select ATVTYPE,BARRELS08,BARRELSA08,CITY08,CITYA08,CO2TAILPIPEAGPM,CO2TAILPIPEGPM,COMB08,COMBA08,CYLINDERS,FUELCOST08,FUELCOSTA08,FUELTYPE,FUELTYPE1,FUELTYPE2,HIGHWAY08,HIGHWAYA08,HLV,HPV,LV2,LV4,MPGDATA,PV2,PV4,YEAR,MAKE,TRANY from VEHICLES"'),httpheader=c(DB='', USER='C##cs329e_sm44585', PASS='orcl_sm44585', MODE='native_mode', MODEL='model', returnDimensions = 'False', returnFor = 'JSON'), verbose = TRUE)))
  }, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
  #Code that generates reactive transmission filter for the bar chart.
  trans_filter <- eventReactive(c(input$refreshAll, input$BarPlot), {
    if (input$TRANY == "All"){
      trans_filter = c("Automatic 3-spd", "Automatic 4-spd","Automatic 5-spd","Automatic 6-spd","Automatic 6spd","Automatic 7-spd", "Automatic 8-spd", "Automatic 9-spd", "Manual 3-spd", "Manual 4-spd", "Manual 5-spd", "Manual 5 spd", "Manual 6-spd", "Manual 7-spd")
    else {
      trans_filter = input$TRANY
    }, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
  #Code that generate reactive year selector for the scatter plot.
  year_range <- eventReactive(c(input$refreshAll, input$ScatterPlot), {
    if (input$BEG_YEAR <= input$END_YEAR){
      year_range = input$BEG_YEAR:input$END_YEAR
    else {
      year_range = 1985:2016
  }, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
  #Code that generates reactive KPI inputs for the PV2 crosstab
  MPG_PV2_KPI_LOW <- eventReactive(c(input$refreshAll, input$PV2Plot), {MPG_PV2_KPI_LOW_2 = input$PV2_KPILow}, ignoreNULL = FALSE)   
  MPG_PV2_KPI_HIGH <- eventReactive(c(input$refreshAll, input$PV2Plot), {MPG_PV2_KPI_HIGH_2 = input$PV2_KPIHigh}, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
  #Code that generates reactive KPI inputs for the PV4 crosstab
  MPG_PV4_KPI_LOW <- eventReactive(c(input$refreshAll,  input$PV4Plot), {MPG_PV2_KPI_LOW = input$PV4_KPILow }, ignoreNULL = FALSE)   
  MPG_PV4_KPI_HIGH <- eventReactive(c(input$refreshAll, input$PV4Plot), {MPG_PV2_KPI_HIGH = input$PV4_KPIHigh }, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
  #Code to generate PV2 Crosstab plot
  output$crosstabPV2Plot <- renderPlot({
    crosstab <- vehicles() %>% group_by(MAKE, YEAR) %>% summarize(sum_comb08 = sum(COMB08), sum_pv2 = sum(PV2),sum_pv4 = sum(PV4)) %>% mutate(ratio_1 = sum_comb08 / (sum_pv2))%>% mutate(ratio_2 = sum_comb08 / (sum_pv4)) %>% mutate(kpi_1 = ifelse(ratio_1 < MPG_PV2_KPI_LOW(), '03 Not Efficient or Spacious', ifelse(ratio_1 <= MPG_PV2_KPI_HIGH(), '02 Average Efficiency and Space', '01 Efficient and Spacious')))%>% mutate(kpi_2 = ifelse(ratio_2 < MPG_PV2_KPI_LOW(), '03 Not Efficient or Spacious', ifelse(ratio_2 <= MPG_PV2_KPI_HIGH(), '02 Average Efficiency and Space', '01 Efficient and Spacious'))) %>%filter(MAKE %in% c("Acura", "Aston Martin", "Audi", "Bentley", "BMW", "Buick", "Chevrolet", "Dodge", "Ferrari", "Ford", "Honda", "Kia", "Lincoln", "Lexus", "Maserati", "Mazda", "Mercedes-Benz", "Nissan", "Toyota", "Volkswagen")) %>% filter(ratio_1 != Inf, ratio_2 != Inf)
    # This line turns the make and year columns into ordered factors.
    crosstab <- crosstab %>% transform(MAKE = ordered(MAKE), YEAR = ordered(YEAR))
    #This generates the PV4 with combined MPG plot
    plot <-ggplot() +
      coord_cartesian() + 
      scale_x_discrete() +
      scale_y_discrete() +
      labs(title='Vehicle Crosstab of Efficiency/Space ratio for 2 door cars') +
      labs(x=paste("Make"), y=paste("Year")) +
            mapping=aes(x=MAKE, y=YEAR, label=round(ratio_1, 2)), 
      ) +
            mapping=aes(x=MAKE, y=YEAR, fill=kpi_1), 
    # End your code here.
  #Code to generate PV4 Crosstab plot
  output$crosstabPV4Plot <- renderPlot({
    crosstab <- vehicles() %>% group_by(MAKE, YEAR) %>% summarize(sum_comb08 = sum(COMB08), sum_pv2 = sum(PV2),sum_pv4 = sum(PV4)) %>% mutate(ratio_1 = sum_comb08 / (sum_pv2))%>% mutate(ratio_2 = sum_comb08 / (sum_pv4)) %>% mutate(kpi_1 = ifelse(ratio_1 < MPG_PV4_KPI_LOW(), '03 Not Efficient or Spacious', ifelse(ratio_1 <= MPG_PV4_KPI_HIGH(), '02 Average Efficiency and Space', '01 Efficient and Spacious')))%>% mutate(kpi_2 = ifelse(ratio_2 < MPG_PV4_KPI_LOW(), '03 Not Efficient or Spacious', ifelse(ratio_2 <= MPG_PV4_KPI_HIGH(), '02 Average Efficiency and Space', '01 Efficient and Spacious'))) %>%filter(MAKE %in% c("Acura", "Aston Martin", "Audi", "Bentley", "BMW", "Buick", "Chevrolet", "Dodge", "Ferrari", "Ford", "Honda", "Kia", "Lincoln", "Lexus", "Maserati", "Mazda", "Mercedes-Benz", "Nissan", "Toyota", "Volkswagen")) %>% filter(ratio_1 != Inf, ratio_2 != Inf)
    # This line turns the make and year columns into ordered factors.
    crosstab <- crosstab %>% transform(MAKE = ordered(MAKE), YEAR = ordered(YEAR))
    #This generates the PV4 with combined MPG plot
    plot <-ggplot() +
      coord_cartesian() + 
      scale_x_discrete() +
      scale_y_discrete() +
      labs(title='Vehicle Crosstab of Efficiency/Space ratio for 4 door cars') +
      labs(x=paste("Make"), y=paste("Year")) +
            mapping=aes(x=MAKE, y=YEAR, label=round(ratio_2, 2)), 
      ) +
            mapping=aes(x=MAKE, y=YEAR, fill=kpi_2), 
    # End your code here.
  #Code to generate Bar Chart Plot
  output$barchartPlot <- renderPlot({
    bar_chart <- vehicles() %>% select(TRANY, HIGHWAY08, CITY08) %>% subset(TRANY %in% trans_filter()) %>% group_by(TRANY) %>% summarise(avg_city_MPG = mean(CITY08), avg_highway_MPG = mean(HIGHWAY08)) %>% melt(id.vars = c("TRANY")) %>% group_by(variable) %>% mutate(WINDOW_AVG_MPG = mean(value))
      #Plot Function to generate bar chart with reference line and values
      plot <- ggplot() + 
      coord_cartesian() + 
      scale_x_discrete() +
      scale_y_continuous() +
      facet_wrap(~variable) +
      labs(title='Average Highway and City MPG based on transmission ') +
      labs(x=paste("Transmission"), y=paste("MPG")) +
            mapping=aes(x=TRANY, y=value), 
            geom_params=list(colour="blue", fill="white"), 
      ) + coord_flip() + 
            mapping=aes(x=TRANY, y=value, label=round(WINDOW_AVG_MPG, 2)), 
            geom_params=list(colour="black", hjust=2), 
      ) +
            mapping=aes(yintercept = WINDOW_AVG_MPG), 
      ) +
            mapping=aes(x=TRANY, y=value, label=round(value, 2)), 
            geom_params=list(colour="black", hjust=0), 
  #Code to generate the scatter plot
  output$ScatterPlot <- renderPlot({
    scatterplot <- vehicles() %>% select(COMB08, YEAR) %>% subset(YEAR %in% year_range()) %>% transform(YEAR = as.Date(as.character(YEAR), "%Y"))
    plot <- ggplot() +
      coord_cartesian() + 
      scale_x_date() +
      scale_y_continuous() +
      labs(title="Combined MPG of every model year") +
      labs(x="Year", y="Combined MPG") +
      layer(data=scatterplot , 
            mapping=aes(x=YEAR, y=COMB08),

Description of Server script

This script generates all of the output and handles the inputs for our shiny app. The architecture is as follows: data is gathered once from Oracle when the app is loaded and all user input only changes the local copy of the data frame. In other words, the data is stored in the local R session, which allows for a more fluid and responsive application for the user.

PV2 Crosstab

This plot looks at how efficient and spacious a car manufacturers portfolio of vehicles happens to be. The lower the KPI, the less efficency relative to space a manufacturer offers. A higher KPI indicates that the manufacturer offers vehicles that are not only spacious but also fuel efficient. The server script for this plot is wrapped in an eventReactive function that fires only when the user presses the “Generate PV2 Plot” after changing the two PV2 KPI slider inputs.

PV4 Crosstab

This plot looks at how efficient and spacious a car manufacturers portfolio of vehicles happens to be. The lower the KPI, the less efficency relative to space a manufacturer offers. A higher KPI indicates that the manufacturer offers vehicles that are not only spacious but also fuel efficient. The server script for this plot is wrapped in an eventReactive function that fires only when the user presses the “Generate PV4 Plot” after changing the two PV4 KPI slider inputs.

Bar Chart

This plot looks at the city and highway MPG for 14 different transmission types. This allows the user to see what transmission gets the best MPG. The server script for this plot is wrapped in an eventReactive function that fires only when the user presses the “Generate Bar Chart” after clicking on the various transmissions that the user wants to look at.


This plot looks at the combined MPG of all cars in different year ranges since 1985 to 2016. This plot was created to see if a trend was present. The server script for this plot is wrapped in an eventReactive function that fires only when the user presses the “Generate Scatter Plot” after changing the begining year and end year slider inputs that the user wants to look at.

Ui script


# Define UI for application that plots random distributions 
  dashboardHeader(title = "Project 6: EPA MPG Data Visualization", titleWidth = 400
      menuItem("Crosstab PV2", tabName = "PV2_Crosstab", icon = icon("th")),
      menuItem("Crosstab PV4", tabName = "PV4_Crosstab", icon = icon("th")),
      menuItem("Bar Chart", tabName = "Bar_Chart", icon = icon("bar-chart")),
      menuItem("Scatterplot", tabName = "Scatterplot", icon = icon("th")),
      menuItem("Refresh All Plots and Data", tabName = "Refresh", icon = icon("database"))
      # First tab content
      tabItem(tabName = "PV2_Crosstab",
                          "Maximum Low Value for PV2 KPI:", 
                          min = 0,
                          max = 1, 
                          value = 1),
              #Slider for PV2 KPI2
                          "Maximum Medium Value for PV2 KPI:", 
                          min = 1, 
                          max = 2, 
                          value = 2),
              actionButton("PV2Plot", "Generate PV2 Crosstab Plot"),
    tabItem(tabName = "PV4_Crosstab",
                        "Maximum Low Value for PV4 KPI:", 
                        min = 0,
                        max = 1, 
                        value = 1),
            #Slider for PV4 KPI2
                        "Maximum Medium Value for PV2 KPI:", 
                        min = 1,
                        max = 2, 
                        value = 2),
            actionButton("PV4Plot", "Generate PV4 Crosstab Plot"),
    tabItem(tabName = "Bar_Chart",
            checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "TRANY",
                                label ="Transmission:",
                                choices = c("All", "Automatic 3-spd", "Automatic 4-spd","Automatic 5-spd","Automatic 6-spd","Automatic 6spd","Automatic 7-spd", "Automatic 8-spd", "Automatic 9-spd", "Manual 3-spd", "Manual 4-spd", "Manual 5-spd", "Manual 5 spd", "Manual 6-spd", "Manual 7-spd"), selected = "All", inline = TRUE
            #action button to generate bar chart plot
            actionButton("BarPlot", "Generate Bar Plot"),
    tabItem(tabName = "Scatterplot",
            p("Note: if beginning year is greater than end year, the chart defaults to displaying all model years."),
            #data range slider for each year
                        "Pick a beginning year of model year:", 
                        min = 1985,
                        max = 2016, 
                        value = 1985,
                        step = 1,
                        sep = ""),
                        "Pick an end year of model year:", 
                        min = 1985,
                        max = 2016, 
                        value = 2016,
                        step = 1,
                        sep = ""),
            actionButton("ScatterPlot", "Generate Scatter Plot"),
    tabItem(tabName = "Refresh",
            #action button to generate plots
            p("If you want to change inputs for multiple charts but don't want to push each button to update the chart, click the button below to refresh all of the plots at once."),
            actionButton("refreshAll", "Refresh All Plots"),
            p("If you want to refresh the data from Oracle, click the button below"),
            actionButton("refreshData", "Refresh the Data")

Description of UI script

This script handles all of the rendering and the user interface for the application. The architecture is a dashboard with 5 tabs. The first tab contains a crosstab that looks at 2 door passenger cars with two slider inputs for the user to determine what threshold he/she may want to set for the KPI’s. The second tab contains another crosstab simliar to the first tab but looks at 4 door passenger cars. The third tab has a Bar Chart with 14 checkboxes that correspond to the 14 different types of transmissions. The fourth tab is a scatterplot that looks at the combined MPG for all vehicles in a given model year and has two inputs: one allows the user to select the beginning model year for visualizing and the other selects the end year. The last tab has two buttons: one button called “Refresh All Plots” that will, when clicked, refresh all 4 plots based on user inputs without getting data from Oracle. The other button called “Refresh the Data” gets a new copy of the data from Oracle.

PV2 Crosstab

This plot looks at how efficient and spacious a car manufacturers portfolio of vehicles happens to be. The lower the KPI, the less efficency relative to space a manufacturer offers. A higher KPI indicates that the manufacturer offers vehicles that are not only spacious but also fuel efficient. The UI script is wrapped in a tabItem function as the first tab and includes one input slider for determining the maximum low KPI value, one input slider for determining the maximum medium KPI value, and one action button that, when clicked, regenerates the plot with the users input.

PV4 Crosstab

This plot looks at how efficient and spacious a car manufacturers portfolio of vehicles happens to be. The lower the KPI, the less efficency relative to space a manufacturer offers. A higher KPI indicates that the manufacturer offers vehicles that are not only spacious but also fuel efficient. The UI script is wrapped in a tabItem function as the second tab and includes one input slider for determining the maximum low KPI value, one input slider for determining the maximum medium KPI value, and one action button that, when clicked, regenerates the plot with the users input.

Bar Chart

This plot looks at the city and highway MPG for 14 different transmission types. This allows the user to see what transmission gets the best MPG. The UI script is wrapped in a tabItem function as the third tab and includes a groupedCheckbox input of 14 checkboxes, each with a unique type of transmission for the user to select.


This plot looks at how the combined MPG of all cars since 1985 has evolved over the years. This plot was created to see if a trend was present. The UI script is wrapped in a tabItem function as the last tab and includes one input slider for determining starting year that the user wants to start, one input slider for determining end year that the user wants to stop, and one action button that, when clicked, regenerates the plot with the users input.